Fall PSA
by Stuart Hupp on September 15
Have you noticed the trees on your property recently yellowing? Does the inside of the canopy appear to be dead or diseased? Do not fret!
Seasonal Needle Drop
All conifers go through a process called seasonal needle drop. This is a natural process that occurs in late summer or early fall. During times of environmental stress, more needles may drop. This includes severe weather conditions, such as periods of drought. It is part of the plant’s protective mechanisms, which conserve moisture for the strongest and healthiest needles.
Needles of conifers have varying life spans and do not remain attached indefinitely to the tree. Many evergreen needles, as they age, will turn yellow, then brown, and drop off after one to several years. The change can be gradual, or, with some species, quite rapid.
– The Morton Arboretum
You may have noticed the Incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens) trees earlier this summer start to have yellow needles; if you now examine these trees the needles are brown and will start drop soon.
There shouldn’t be a cause for concern unless the overall hue of the tree is more yellow than green. Also, seasonal needle drop occurs in the interior of the canopy, if the tips of branches are browning or yellowing then you may have a pest or insect infestation. Lastly, soil deficiencies can lead to abnormal needle color. Soil deficiencies can be resolved by adding fertilizer and this service is now available from Jeremiah’s Tree Service.
If you would like to have a trained professional assess the health of your trees please give us a call at (530) 581-1945.
-Stuart Hupp
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist
Jeremiah’s Tree Service | Tahoe City, CA, 96145