Dangerous Lean 425 Year Old Jeffrey Pine Removal

Project Description

Jeremiah’s Tree Service removed this remnant Jeffrey pine in Homewood, CA in 2016. The tree had developed a dangerous lean threatening multiple nearby homes. The consequences of failure of a tree of this size was potential serious property damage, bodily injury, death and/or catastrophic fire. This tree was preserved for many years as development continued around it. Unfortunately, the tree had to be removed to mitigate the dangers to human life associated with increased Urban/Forest interface.  The removal presented many challenges. 3 days of roping down limbs started the process of removal. Each limb was the size and weight of a medium sized tree. A crane was brought in to finish the job and still the limbs had to be picked individually due to their massive size. Jeremiah’s Tree Service used all their techniques and tools available to take down this old growth pine.

Project Details

Neglected Forest to Amazing Lakeview